Roblox Titan Simulator Lua C

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Nov 25th, 2018
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  1. The old script, I don't know why you would want to.
  3. loadstring(game:HttpGetAsync(''))()
  4. UI.Window=import('UI.lua')
  5. UI.Window.options.underlinecolor=Color3.fromRGB(0,55,119)
  6. local toggles={abk=Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2;iag=false;};
  7. getgenv().name=true
  8. local plr=game:GetService'Players'
  9. local ws=game:GetService'Workspace'
  10. local l=game:GetService'Lighting'
  11. local p=plr.LocalPlayer
  12. local mouse=p:GetMouse()
  13. local b=p:FindFirstChild'Backpack'or p:WaitForChild'Backpack'
  14. local pg=p:FindFirstChild'PlayerGui'or p:WaitForChild'PlayerGui'
  15. -----------------------
  16. do--Function
  17. pc=char
  18. if pc ~=nilthen
  19. end
  20. for _,i inpairs(ws.Map:GetChildren())do
  21. i:Destroy()
  22. end
  23. for _,i inpairs(ws:GetChildren())do
  24. i.CanCollide=false
  25. end
  26. end
  27. function csa(name)
  28. ifnot ws:FindFirstChild'Anata'then
  29. part.Name='Anata'
  31. end
  33. if name'spawn'then
  35. end
  36. local Menu=UI.Window:CreateWindow'Menu';
  37. Menu:Toggle('Auto Punch',{location=toggles,flag='auto_farm'});
  38. Menu:Toggle('Auto Colect',{location=toggles,flag='auto_colect'});
  39. Menu:Toggle('Auto Rebirth',{location=toggles,flag='auto_rebirth'});
  40. local Visual=UI.Window:CreateWindow'Visual';
  41. Visual:Toggle('No Fog',{location=toggles,flag='no_fog'});
  42. local Player=UI.Window:CreateWindow'Player';
  43. Player:Slider('Speed',{location=toggles, flag='speed', precise=false, default=16,min=16,max=1000});
  44. Player:Slider('Jump',{location=toggles, flag='jump', precise=false, default=60,min=60,max=500});
  45. Player:Toggle('Infinit Jump',{location=toggles,flag='infinit_jump'});
  46. Player:Toggle('Click Teleport',{location=toggles,flag='click_teleport'});
  47. Player:Toggle('Click Delet',{location=toggles,flag='click_delet'});
  48. local Teleport=UI.Window:CreateWindow'Teleport';
  49. Teleport:Button('Safe Area',function()csa('safe')end)
  50. Teleport:Button('Spawn',function()csa('spawn')end)
  51. r.Stepped:Connect(function()
  52. ac()
  53. if toggles.auto_rebirth then
  54. end
  55. l.FogEnd=1000000
  56. l.FogEnd=900
  57. if toggles.auto_farm then
  58. local Punch=b.Punch;Punch.Parent=pc;pc.Punch:Activate();local PunchTwo=pc.Punch;PunchTwo.Parent=b
  59. pc.Humanoid.WalkSpeed=toggles.speed;
  60. end)
  61. if input.UserInputTypeEnum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 and toggles.click_teleport then
  62. end
  63. if input.UserInputTypeEnum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 and toggles.click_delet then
  64. end
  65. Imput.JumpRequest:connect(function()
  66. pc:FindFirstChildOfClass'Humanoid':ChangeState('Jumping')
  67. end)
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